






Σχετικά με εμένα: Hello everyone, I am just your average man. With your average everything LOL! I do have a bit of a wild side. I like to be daring videoing myself outside and just enjoy making videos and taking pictures. Me with toys or outfits. Mowing the lawn naked or in just a thong. I just like to be outgoing and show my stuff. My inspiration has always been my wife. I always love making videos for her and taking pictures for her and sending them to her throughout the day or when she's away. But as of these last few years. She has lost all interest. Granted she does have some medical issues. But the interest is no longer there. She is beautiful and amazing and has a great body. But she does not want it looked at or adored anymore. I have tried surprise dinners and weekends away alone. And little games multiple date nights. Lots of cuddling. But to no avail. All my videos go unnoticed. No more enjoyment knowing that she can masturbate to them. Or watch them when I'm away. So all my videos sit in a file Gathering dust. And I still want to make more and have somebody enjoy them. So I thought if I could get up enough nerve I would post a lot of these videos on here. For people to enjoy. it takes a lot of effort and nerve to do a lot of these. Lol. I just enjoy it a lot and I want them to be enjoyed. Thank you for your time.

Σχετικά με εμένα

Hello everyone, I am just your average man. With your average everything LOL! I do have a bit of a wild side. I like to be daring videoing myself outside and just enjoy making videos and taking pictures. Me with toys or outfits. Mowing the lawn naked or in just a thong. I just like to be outgoing and show my stuff. My inspiration has always been my wife. I always love making videos for her and taking pictures for her and sending them to her throughout the day or when she's away. But as of these last few years. She has lost all interest. Granted she does have some medical issues. But the interest is no longer there. She is beautiful and amazing and has a great body. But she does not want it looked at or adored anymore. I have tried surprise dinners and weekends away alone. And little games multiple date nights. Lots of cuddling. But to no avail. All my videos go unnoticed. No more enjoyment knowing that she can masturbate to them. Or watch them when I'm away. So all my videos sit in a file Gathering dust. And I still want to make more and have somebody enjoy them. So I thought if I could get up enough nerve I would post a lot of these videos on here. For people to enjoy. it takes a lot of effort and nerve to do a lot of these. Lol. I just enjoy it a lot and I want them to be enjoyed. Thank you for your time.
Μετάβαση στο προφίλ

G1738 Προσωπικές πληροφορίες

Πώς είμαι

  • Εθνικότητα:
    Λατινικής καταγωγής
  • Τύπος σώματος:
    Κοντόχοντρο σώμα
  • Μήκος μαλλιών:
    Χωρίς μαλλιά
  • Χρώμα μαλλιών:
    Καστανό χρώμα
  • Χρώμα ματιών:
    Καστανό χρώμα
  • Ύψος:
    5 ft 70 in (180 cm)

G1738 Βίντεο δημιουργών Γκέι 720p HD πορνό

Μηδενισμός όλων των φίλτρων
Για σένα
Για σένα
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Χρόνος cumming
Χρόνος cumming
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Cumming για σένα
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